TF recipe of the month with Estrella Ruiz Campos: Candied artichokes with pea cream and tender sprouts

At Torres Ferreras, we always say that what is beautiful is what is useful. Our stoneware tableware is designed and handmade to be perfect containers for your dishes, preparations and recipes. For this reason, in this blog we bring you a TF recipe every month. You can make these at home and, served in our ceramic tableware, it will make you look like a kitchen master.

In this month of April, our chef Estrella Ruiz Campos brings us a seasonal product, one that is deeply linked to our town, La Rambla, but also to Andalusia in general -artichokes. On this occasion, they are going to be candied with a cream of peas and tender sprouts and served on an aesthetic matte black rustic plate with shiny specks. These will make the perfect contrast with the bright greens of the preparation.

Ingredients (for 4 people):

  • 12 artichokes
  • Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO)
  • (For the cream):
  • 70 gr. EVOO
  • 100 gr. of onion
  • 100 gr. of leek
  • 1 tsp of salt
  • 400 gr. of peas


  1. Peel the artichokes, trimming the stem and peeling it until you reach the flower. You must remove the most superficial leaves from the artichoke, which are harder and have a more intense color, and leave the central leaves (more yellowish and tender). 
  2. Cut them in half or into quarters and, with a small spoon, remove the inner hairs so as not to stain the oil.
  3. Prepare a large, deep casserole and, after washing the artichokes, place them in it.
  4. When all the clean artichokes are in the pot, cover them completely with the EVOO and put them to low heat. It is advisable not to cover the pot and keep them in low heat until they are tender.
  5. To check if they are tender, insert a knife through the part that is closest to the stem.
  6. Prepare the cream: first heat the EVOO in a small saucepan, then add the chopped onion, the leek and salt.
  7. When everything is sautéed, add the peas and cover until they are tender.
  8. Once everything is tender, blend until you get a very fine cream and add more salt if necessary.
  9. Plate it in our Torres Ferreras dishes: put the cream first, then place the artichokes on top of it, then the sprouts and serve with a good drizzle of extra virgin olive oil.

This fusion of the best local products from the countryside with handcrafted ceramics will make your meals look like those from the best of restaurants.

Bon appétit!

recipe of Candied artichokes with pea cream and tender sprouts in stoneware plate Torres Ferreras
